
It’s Festivus!

For those who remain oblivious to the importance of Seinfeld in pop culture, today is one of the greatest of all holidays: Festivus.

Frank Costanza, tired and concerned by what Christmas had become, realized “there had to be another way.” Thus, he created “a Festivus for the rest of us!” This video gives you the story of the holiday.

As you celebrate Festivus, I hope your pole has a very high strength to weight ratio and there are not too many grievances against you. I think Michael Richards may have jumped the gun on the feats of strength, engaging in a public display of wrestling with his own inner demons. Since then, he has been facing the most difficult feat of strength — pulling both feet out of his mouth and salvaging his career.

I also hope for a few Festivus miracles for you and our country.

The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people! And now you’re gonna hear about it!

Frank Costanza

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