
Weekend Edition: 4-14

Bulletin Board

Truly, I’m not pushing this but you can vote for this blog in the Goodreads Independent Book Blogger contest. There is also a link in the right sidebar. I normally don’t do stuff like this but since it can result in a free trip to Book Expo America, I figured I would do […]

Weekend Edition: 4-7

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

The Death of the Book (“Pity the book. It’s dead again.”)

My Kasual Kountry Weekend With the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (“This much, at least, is true: today’s Ku Klux Klan is a destination of last resort for the castoffs of American society.”) (via)

Blog Headlines […]

Survey confirms my abnormalities

Maybe they’re asking the wrong people or perhaps I’m just highly abnormal. I’m thinking it’s the latter but a new reading habits survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows I’m a real outlier when it comes to reading.

The survey is billed as the first comprehensive examination of American reading habits since […]

Grade reading level doesn’t equal one’s literacy level

There seemed to be a lot of doom and gloom last week in the coverage of a new survey on reading in American schools. But it seems like a number of people, including at least one individual who contributed a piece for the publication, may need to look beyond the bare numbers.

Admittedly, the […]

Book Review: The Land of Later On by Anthony Weller

Imagine arriving in the afterlife and discovering the analogue to a Gideons Bible is a guidebook urging you to leave.

At least in Anthony Weller’s The Land of Later On, the power(s) that be in the afterlife apparently believe that life, so to speak, is better reincarnated back on Earth as an entirely different […]