
Weekend Edition: 4-12

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

I’m With The Banned (“My three kids have my blessing to read anything they want, and I absolutely encourage them to read banned books. Why? Because I respect them and think they’re smart, and because I want them to draw their own conclusions … I want my kids to […]

Book Review: The Word Exchange by Alena Graedon

By now, the printed word must feel like a mashup of Tom Sawyer and the movie Groundhog Day. For probably a couple decades now, it has attended its own funeral over and over and over and over, ad nauseum. But if we assume one of those countless pronouncements of death is correct, what about words […]

Weekend Edition: 4-5

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes

What Is Cupcake Fascism? (“[A] stiff upper lip is, dialectically speaking, nothing more than a form of cowardice; less a level-headed stoicism than a neurotic unwillingness to confront an unjust reality.”)

Blog Headline of the Week

Life Is Short, Proust Is Long

Headslapper of the Week

A nine-month-old Pakistani […]