
It’s about time

Finally, someone calls out politicians and prayer. And, of all places, it was the New York Daily News — although I don’t know if that’s good or bad.

Its front page and accompanying story today actually looks at one of the flaws plaguing this “Judeo-Christian nation.” What was a common political reaction to the latest […]

Plenty read, no write

Two of my plans for when I quit practicing law full time were simple and logical: read books and do some writing. As the blog itself shows, the latter hasn’t begun. And that’s even with getting a book review assignment with the thought it might jump start things. The book was read. Not one word […]

Weekend Edition 2d: 11-14

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

Why people shouldn’t feel the need to censor themselves (“You cannot legislate against offence. No legislation, no invention of new crimes and punishments, can possibly introduce irony, forgiveness and good will into minds schooled in the art of being offended.”)

Bookish Linkage

Being a utopian science fiction writer can […]

Weekend Edition 2d: 11-7

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

Books are dangerous (“It is not for nothing that reading was always feared throughout history. It is indeed a risky activity: reading possesses the power to capture the imagination, create emotional upheaval and force people towards an existential crisis.”)

An Open Letter to Those Who Give Kids Banned […]

Weekend Edition 2d: 10-30

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

Why we should defend the right to be offensive (“Free speech is not the cause of the tensions that are growing around us, but the only possible solution to them.”)

Everything Is Meaningless – But That’s Okay (“The great experiment of our age – living without Grand Schemes […]