Who would have thought a book called Fluid Concepts & Creative Analogies: Computer Models of the Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought” would have been the beginning of an online revolution. Yet 18 years ago today that was the first item sold on a website called Amazon. Today is a behemoth, not only in the world of […]
I can honestly say I never gave up on any of the top five “most abandoned” books at Goodreads or even the top five abandoned classics. Of course, that’s because in each case I read two of the five and never started the other three.
The top five most unfinished books I’ve read are Wicked […]
I’m guessing I was in high school when I first heard the word “existential” or “existentialism.” Likewise, I’m guessing that was when I first grasped even a glimmer of what it meant — and I am still far from claiming comprehension. One thing I’ve always found unique about existentialism is fiction’s role in it. Ask […]
I’m not brave or smart enough to come up with a list of the best five or ten books for the first half of the year. I can, however, provide a summary of my reading to date and what’s impressed me.
So far, I’ve read 64 books, equally divided between fiction and nonfiction totaling just […]
Can’t say anything I read this month really grabbed me. Of course, that might be the weather distracting me. Plus, it was another one of those months where I would pick up a book, read a couple pages and go look for something else. There were two, though, that I got a ways in before […]
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