
Is this why I’m addicted to “Deadwood”?

From Frank Rich in the NYT:

[L]et me recommend the series that probably has more four-letter words, with or without participles, than any in TV history. That would be “Deadwood” on HBO. Its linguistic gait befits its chapter of American history, the story of a gold-rush mining camp in the Dakota Territory of the late 1870’s. “Deadwood” is the back story of . . . everything else that is joyously vulgar in American culture and that our new Puritans want to stamp out. It’s the ur-text of Vegas and hip-hop and pulp fiction. It captures with Boschian relish what freedom, by turns cruel and comic and exhilarating, looked and sounded like at full throttle in frontier America before anyone got around to building churches or a government.

* * *

This is why “Deadwood” could not be better timed. It reminds us of who we are and where we came from, and that even indecency is part of an American’s birthright. It also, if inadvertently, illuminates the most insidious underpinnings of today’s decency police by further reminding us that the same people who want to stamp out entertainment like ‘Deadwood’ also want to rewrite American history (and, when they can, the news) according to their dictates of moral and political correctness. They won’t tolerate an honest account of the real Deadwood in a classroom or museum any more than they will its fictionalized representation on HBO.

Then again, the excellent scriptwriting and acting certainly plays a role, given my near lifelong dislike of westerns.

“In life you have to do a lot of things you don’t fucking want to do. Many times, that’s what the fuck life is… one vile fucking task after another.”
— Al Swearengen, Deadwood

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