
Notes and riffs

Work and family commitments have kept me from substantive posting. Here’s a few odds and ends worth looking at:

  • Thrasher has a good post on one of his Neil Young blogs regarding Young’s song “Ohio” and today’s 35th anniversary of the shootings at Kent State that gave rise to the song. (Via Blogcritics).
  • Thrasher’s blog pointed me to this nice, albeit somewhat dated, piece on attending Bruce Springsteen’s Storytellers taping. The author, jukeboxgraduate, also writes for Backstreets, the Springsteen fan magazine, and has some fairly regular Springsteen posts.
  • Arriving by chance while I was writing the above entry was an e-mail from that Devils & Dust will enter Billboard’s charts at the top spot next week and that it also debuts at number one in Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Germany, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and Ireland. (Not that I’m looking forward to attending Bruce’s performance in St. Paul in six days or anything.)
  • The Daily Show has a spin-off.

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