
A bit more marginalia

As a lawyer I see the federal government’s A Journalist’s Guide to the Federal Courts as a worthy venture. (Via Media Law). As a former journalist who spent a few years on the “cops and courts” beat, I remember when you were expected to learn this in the j school’s public affairs reporting or […]

Vonnegut makes court appearance – sort of

Kurt Vonnegut‘s 1961 short story “Harrison Bergeron” was cited in a brief filed with the Kansas Supreme Court in a lawsuit over funding of public schools. The story, which appears in Welcome to the Monkey House, is about a future in which the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the US Constitution require hampering anyone’s […]

More marginalia

A few more items that crossed my computer screen while I was concentrating on other committments:

Wired News has an interesting little piece on what Amazon may be seeking to do with some of its new content. (Via if:book). Although I cannot attend, I want to at least mention The Native Voice Film Festival going […]

Notes and riffs

Work and family commitments have kept me from substantive posting. Here’s a few odds and ends worth looking at:

Thrasher has a good post on one of his Neil Young blogs regarding Young’s song “Ohio” and today’s 35th anniversary of the shootings at Kent State that gave rise to the song. (Via Blogcritics). Thrasher’s blog […]


Since I’ve moved this blog away from politics toward books, music and other things that give nuance to life, I’ve decided to broaden it in other ways. I have joined the crew at Blogcritics. As the site says, it is comprised of “[a] sinister cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, […]