
Political odds and ends

Although I do not know whether in the long run it is for the greater good or national interest, South Dakota’s congressional delegation and Governor at least deserve credit for working together on Ellsworth Air Force Base. A “plain English” translation of the draft Iraqi Constitution. Gee, even though I thought part of the reason […]

Predicting the 9/11 “conspiracy”

Over the weekend, I finally began watching The Lone Gunmen series on DVD. This was a short-lived spin-off of The X-Files that aired on Fox in 2001. It was a tongue-in-cheek show about three conspiracy geeks that parodied everything from the Mission Impossible film to James Bond flicks. I had forgotten, though, one of the […]

DVD takes

Having spent too much time and uttered too many curses battling some connectivity issues, I figured it was time for a soothing installment of recently viewed DVDs ranked on a 5 star scale:

Ballad of a Soldier (1959) ****

An engrossing Russian film about a front line soldier in World War II who gets a […]

Book Review: Accelerando (2005)

Accelerando will make your brain hurt — but in a good sort of way.

Actually a unified collection of nine previously published novelettes, Charles Stross may very well have written a seminal work in science fiction. Seminal not only in exploring where humanity may be going in the next several decades but in making a […]

Churches and use tax sequel

The local daily reports the state Department of Revenue isn’t going to make churches get tax licenses to pay use tax on items they purchase out of state. That seems a reasonable approach.

Even individuals owe use tax on items they purchase out-of-state but use in-state if no sales tax is charged at the point […]