Marginalia and bookmarks I found this post about law firm life interesting enough to circulate among some of my legal compadres. (Via Discourse.net).
I’m not the “crafty” type but this could lead me to cross-stitching. (Via Kottke.org Remaindered Links).
The Center for Constitutional Rights has just issued a book called Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush setting out the legal arguments in support of four separate articles of impeachment. And if you buy a copy for your “Congressperson,” the publisher will pay the postage to ship the book to them. (Via Maud Newton).
This weekend’s NYT Book Review contains the debut of a new column on science fiction.
Programming notes: The blog Rants from the Plains has changed its name to Moderates from South Dakota and Blind Orange Julius has returned to the SD blogosphere.
If you’ve never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame.
“Mrs. Potter’s Lullaby,” Counting Crows, This Desert Life
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