
Departing marginalia

Wanted to note a couple items that popped up over the last day or so before I head off for the season’s big Junior Olympic volleyball tournament. I’m hoping the Minneapolis Convention Center (which is wall-to-wall volleyball courts during the tournament) has wireless access so I can hear the Stampede Clark Cup finals games over […]

I found two more supporters

As a follow-up to PP’s post about finding two South Dakotans who support the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.), I wanted to note two other South Dakotans who support J.A.I.L., or at least two who have more than an initial for a first name (see BS’s response to Question 3).

Last October, Ron Branson, the […]

Movie literacy

I saw a reference on to an LA Times column in which film critic Jim Emerson listed 1030 movies a person should know, “at minimum, to be somewhat ‘movie-literate.’” I decided to see how “literate” I am. Movies I’ve seen are in bold, ones in my Netflix queue are underlined and those with no […]

Dicta and marginalia

Now that Blogger evidently has quit spasming, here’s a selection of various items I haven’t had time to post or, when I did, Blogger was being uncooperative:

An enterprising law student has compiled a collection of law review articles citing legal blogs. (Via How Appealing). And, if you must know, no, this blog did not […]

Demonstrating the danger of J.A.I.L.

It isn’t very often I disagree with PP when it comes to the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.). Yet one area of disagreement arises from his recent post about finding two South Dakotans (at least two who have more than an initial for a first name) who support J.A.I.L.

PP concluded J.A.I.L. would not have […]