Here’s another look at the shell game being played by the originators of the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.). Yet this one also looks at who thinks they’re going to call the shots if J.A.I.L. is adopted.
As the J.A.I.L. Lies series noted, last year the national J.A.I.L. organization said that liability under J.A.I.L. would […]
In an article titled “Born to Strum,” the Sunday NYT is one of what will undoubtedly be numerous publications interviewing Bruce Springsteen about his forthcoming release, We Shall Overcome: The Seeger Sessions. I had an opportunity to hear an advance copy this weekend. While I am a huge Springsteen fan, it probably won’t make it […]
It is worth at least looking at, if not reading, the article that was the subject of The World’s Fastest Article Rejection by a Law Review. (Via Discourse.net). Blog headline of the week: Anyone in Leeds missing a book bound in human skin? As a follow-up to the above item, there is actually a […]
Maybe the Associated Press has provided some inkling of why Bill Stegmeier became the local leader of the movement to get the Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.) on the South Dakota ballot.
Seems Stegmeier “still owes nearly $7,000 in interest from a tax collection case that is nearly 20 years old.” According to the article, […]
You may recall that this blog and South Dakota War College are accused of not discussing “the actual issue” when it comes to South Dakota’s Judicial Accountability Initiative Law (J.A.I.L.). And while it’s interesting to see the new attacks launched on us, I find it more fascinating to see how the local J.A.I.L.’s website is […]
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