Various links and marginalia accumulated over the last week or so:
- It took Chad at Clean Cut Kid to bring to my attention that today is Bob Dylan’s 65th birthday. I join Chad in saying happy birthday Bob and add wishes for many, many more.
- My MinusCar friend got a visitor via one of the best Google searches I’ve seen in a while.
- Cool. My Blogcritics review of Philip Roth’s Everyman was mentioned on Critical Mass, the blog of the National Book Critics Circle board of directors.
- Trying to make sure there’s accurate science in SciFi is a new blog called Astronomy for Science Fiction Writers. (Via University of Nebraska Press blog).
- The new Central Library in Minneapolis had its grand opening Saturday and, according to So Many Books, it has a Dunn Bros. Coffee shop, it’s own book store and (gasp!) a card catalog. I’m sure the latter is for display purposes only. Between the other two and the books, though, I will be sure not to take my youngest there on our next trip to the Cities because she may never leave.
- It’s fascinating how much comment a passing reference to hockey in a U.S. Supreme Court opinion can generate, with much of the follow-ups displaying ignorance of the sport.
- The dozen finalists for the 2005 John W. Campbell Memorial Award have been announced. The award, selected by a jury, is given annually for the best SciFi novel of the year published in the U.S. (Via SFSignal).
- A Moderate from South Dakota has launched South Dakota Politics and Elections, a blog concentrating exclusively on South Dakota politics and election news, and a “community blog” called Politics in Moderation, which will range from local to national politics.
You’ll never know the hurt I suffered
Nor the pain I rise above,
And I’ll never know the same about you,
Your holiness or your kind of love,
And it makes me feel so sorry.
“Idiot Wind,” Bob Dylan, Blood on the Tracks