
Assorted miscellany

Although I’ve seen no scientific confirmation one way or another, I suspect today’s effort to put Earth into a new orbit was unsuccessful. I was pleased to discover that it would take 120 cups of coffee or 370 cups of iced tea to get enough caffeine to kill me. I don’t think I’d be able […]

A Herseth laugher?

Here’s something that’s bothered me from the moment I read it. I was willing to let it slide until two votes this week.

Stephanie Herseth told the state Democratic Convention last month, “Not a week goes by where I don’t wonder what it would be like to be in the majority party.” If you look […]

An Inconvenient Truth

While on the first “college shopping” trip with my middle daughter, we saw An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary of Al Gore’s mission to convince others that humans are responsible for global warming. There’s a few obvious problems with it but overall it is convincing and deserving of the praise it has received thus far.

The […]

Book Review: The Places in Between (2006)

There are some people you hear about and all you can think is, “Are you nuts?” Take Rory Stewart for example.

Stewart spent 16 months walking 6,000 miles across Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal. He decided that to make his journey complete, he must go back and walk 600 miles across Afghanistan. But he’s going […]

Amazon recommendations

I’m one of those simpletons who rates books, DVDs and the like at Amazon and then gets recommendations from the site. I think the system has gone wacky lately.

When I last checked for book recommendations, they included Pathophysiology of Disease, Essentials of General Surgery, Practical Orthopedics and Pathology: Board Review Series, the latter a […]