
Book marginalia

  • The NYT asks the recurring question if technology renders books passé but I think the article answers the question. It references Amazon’s forthcoming wireless e-book reader that “will be priced at $400 to $500” and Google planning to charge for full access to digital copies of some books in its database. Throw in that electronic versions of books do not carry the price break one would anticipate with no paper, binding or transportation cost and the price outweighs the advantages for most who read enough to even consider e-books as an option.
  • There’s been plenty in the book blogosphere about Barnes & Noble’s decision to stock the O.J. Simpson book. My view? One of the greatest things about this country is that he’s free to write it, the publisher is free to publish it and book stores are free to sell it. The most important point is that we, as readers and consumers, carry the ultimate right in the marketplace of ideas — to refuse to buy it, even if the Goldman family is getting the money. Sadly, early signs are the p.o.s. will sell well.
  • As an aside, while I don’t agree with Scott Esposito’s conclusion, I love his footnote when describing O.J. as an alleged murderer: “Raise your hand if you think he didn’t do it. Now use it to slap yourself.”
  • O.J. apparently isn’t the only author who used a real murder as a plot for his book — but this not-too-bright guy got 25 years in prison.
  • Far more up my alley is George Eberhard’s interesting approach to reading backwards through history.
  • Stephen Hawking joins the roster of SF authors.
  • Just what I needed. Someone to make me feel environmentally guilty for buying books. (Via.) And it comes when I’ve added four new books since the weekend bookshelf project.

Everywhere I have sought rest and not found it, except sitting in a corner by myself with a little book.

Thomas à Kempis

1 comment to Book marginalia

  • Amazon has to be dreaming if they think their plan will fly. The best e-book source I have yet found is Baen Books – a sci-fi publisher – who has been selling e-versions at a healthy discount for several years. Books are available in a number of formats, and are easily loaded and read on any type of PDA (which comes in very handy for boring meetings when a semblence of attention is desireable – nobody questions apparently making notes on your devices.) If more sources used a similar plan, I would go to even more e-books. The only drawback is reading the PDA screen in bright sunlight.

    By the way, your site & content is not too bad for a lib type site!