
Reading, reviewing and relaxing

As the past month or so has indicated, I’ve been somewhat uninspired when it comes to writing original posts. It’s not that there aren’t ideas on paper and in my head but, as Hugh Prather said, “If the desire to write is not accompanied by actual writing, then the desire must be not to write.”

One third of the posts last month were book reviews. There will even be a temporary lull in those, though, because there are maybe two books I’ll need to review between now and year-end. It’s something I’m actually looking forward to and, in fact, I passed on a half dozen or so books to create the time for that respite.

As I’ve said before, I find there’s a difference between reading a book for review and simply reading a book. I also think that there’s a seasonal element to not wanting to read for review this time of year. I feel I just want to kick back and read for sheer enjoyment, to hopefully get lost in a book. It isn’t that I don’t enjoy reading for review purposes. I think my aging brain gets a little weary near the end of each year.

So for the next four weeks or so I plan to read what I want when I want. If I want to put a book down to start another one, it will be without worrying about having time to write a timely review. Equally important, I can spend as much time as I want doing what I’ve long called “reading with my eyes closed.”

All men hesitate
Separately, always, seeing another year gone

Philip Larkin, “And now the leaves suddenly lose strength,”Collected Poems

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