Wtih both the backend and the frontend of the blog acting hinky (a technical term) most of the week, last night I couldn’t access either or even the server it is hosted on. Thus, I spent a good chunk of the evening on the telephone with and e-mailing customer service people. Long story short, there […]
Thanks to kottke.org, I’ve spent too much free time playing with StateStats, a site that shows how popular a Google search query is in each U.S. state. Using information from 2004 to the present, it not only compares the rankings (first place scoring 100) but shows how the query correlates with state rankings in other […]
Seems like ESPN is promoting a different kind of “sport,” as Corey V. hears about a web site with the catchy slogan, “Life Is Short. Have An Affair.” Now, particularly compared to me, Corey is a relatively new father. Thus, I thought I’d help ensure matrimonial harmony in his home and check out the site […]
The term meme gets bandied about (overused?) in the blogosphere and, like Richard Dawkins suggested, has mutated in that environment. In the blogosphere, the term refers to an idea that spreads from blog to blog. Memes generally propagate in the blogosphere in two ways: bloggers posting on the same topic on a particular day (as […]
Some recent monkeying around may have impacted those who subscribe to the blog via feed readers or RSS. You may need to resubscribe due to operator error on this end.
Of course, if the way you read the blog is via RSS and I screwed up your subscribed feed, then you’re probably not going to […]
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Contact me You can e-mail me at prairieprogressive at gmaildotcom.