Lists are always popular during Banned Books Week. Two related and somewhat fun ones have appeared this week looking at the reasons people give when they challenge a book.
First, MobyLives give us The Top Ten Ludicrous Reasons To Ban A Book. Perhaps my favorite is the objection to Little Red Riding Hood: “The basket […]
We are frequently surprised at some of the books that are subject to challenge in libraries and schools, such as Huckleberry Finn or Harry Potter. Yet banned books are frequently a source of highly acclaimed films.
In connection with Banned Books Week, there’s a list circulating of 15 of “the most iconic, popular, and/or celebrated […]
This is coming a day or so later than planned but that’s not bad compared to what I’m going to confess. Despite my book addiction, this year was the first time I ever attended the South Dakota Festival of Books. So a couple days late is far better than years late.
I have no good […]
Although not written in connection with our Banned Books Week, the books columnists for The Independent raised an interesting question earlier this month in connection with something London libraries were doing: are there some books that public libraries shouldn’t carry?
Boyd Tonkin came up with a list of 10 books that could conceivably raise that […]
There seems to be a cultural convergence happening here. Or maybe I’m just noticing because four of my favorite things are involved — music, books, film and hockey.
It started last night with a George Winston concert. Perhaps because he records on the Windham Hill label, Winston gets placed in the “New Age” category. (Question: […]
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