
Bill of Rights updated

A Slate satirist provides us with a copy of the new Bill of Rights. Please don’t let the South Dakota Legislature see this. It might get ideas.

Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights could get through Congress today? It wouldn’t even get out of committee.

F. Lee Bailey, Newsweek, April […]

Abortion ban signed into law

Within the last hour or so, Gov. Mike Rounds signed the restrictive abortion bill into law. Rounds issued a statementt on signing the bill.

Let the litigation and petition circulating begin.

Our task, of course, is to resolve the issue by constitutional measurement, free of emotion and of predilection.

Majority opinion, Roe v. Wade, […]

Referendum on abortion law?

The Strib notes there is talk of referring the new abortion law to a public vote. (Via Proud Liberal Journal). As the story notes, a referral would stop the law from taking effect until the vote, thereby producing the same result as a lawsuit seeking to block it.

The state Constitution guarantees the right of […]

Kate Looby sure is popular

If the hits to this blog are any indication, Kate Looby sure has become a popular figure in cyberspace. Looby, the lobbyist for and director of Planned Parenthood for South Dakota, shows up in an ever-increasing number of the internet searches that bring people here. Thus, the interest is being generated by all the recent […]

Cartoons and revisionists

Like many, I’m kind of scratching my head about views of free speech in Europe.

First, a variety of the European press republished the Danish cartoons about Muhammad as a statement about free expression. Now, we have revisionist historian David Irving sentenced to three years in prison (with the prosecutor asking for more) for violating […]