
That interweb thingy in South Dakota jury rooms

Think the recent news about jurors using Twitter and Google during trials is limited to more populated areas? Think again. Next week the South Dakota Supreme Court will hear arguments in a case where a new trial was granted because of a juror’s use of Google before the trial even started.

The case involves a […]

Facebook: What’s ours is ours and what’s yours is ours

Some people tend to see social networking sites like Facebook as a way to market themselves. But I’m guessing most people don’t realize that the content of their Facebook pages basically becomes the property of Facebook to use pretty much how it likes forever.

This month, Facebook updated its Terms of Use. Here’s what the […]

We interrupt (some) of this blog

Wtih both the backend and the frontend of the blog acting hinky (a technical term) most of the week, last night I couldn’t access either or even the server it is hosted on. Thus, I spent a good chunk of the evening on the telephone with and e-mailing customer service people. Long story short, there […]

Who’s Googling what where

Thanks to, I’ve spent too much free time playing with StateStats, a site that shows how popular a Google search query is in each U.S. state. Using information from 2004 to the present, it not only compares the rankings (first place scoring 100) but shows how the query correlates with state rankings in other […]

The devil’s in the details, morally and factually

Seems like ESPN is promoting a different kind of “sport,” as Corey V. hears about a web site with the catchy slogan, “Life Is Short. Have An Affair.” Now, particularly compared to me, Corey is a relatively new father. Thus, I thought I’d help ensure matrimonial harmony in his home and check out the site […]