
Midweek Music Moment: Grand Funk, Grand Funk Railroad

Want to know the value of album cover art? Take a look at the cover of the Grand Funk album released on December 29, 1969. The blistering red. The afro-haired drummer. The (then) cool looking bass player. The intensity of the lead guitarist. It makes clear that the music they’re generating is causing the album […]

Midweek Music Moment: Dave Brubeck/Paul Desmond

This time of year has always been one of transitions, even if it’s just an effort to make a New Year’s resolution. The jazz world saw a transition on December 26, 1967. That was the day the Dave Brubeck Quartet formally disbanded.

Since the quartet had been founded in 1951, there were two mainstays: Brubeck, […]

Midweek Music Moment: Rod Stewart

See the album pictured below? The one called Atlantic Crossing? It isn’t here because of its worthiness. To the contrary, it’s here because, to borrow a phrase, it may well represent the “start of the rot” in Rod Stewart’s career.

It’s this week’s Music Moment because on Dec. 19, 1975, the album was certified gold […]

Midweek Music Moment: Hotel California, Eagles

When Hotel California was released on December 8, 1976, I didn’t run out and buy it. In fact, I don’t think the copy we now have on CD is one I bought but something my wife bought.

Granted, part of the reason I didn’t buy it at the time was that, as a college student, […]

Midweek Music Moment: Frank Zappa and “Smoke on the Water”

Despite his extraordinary talent and lengthy career, Frank Zappa doesn’t have a song on Rolling Stone‘s list of the 500 greatest songs of all time. He does, however, deserve some credit, so to speak, for the song that came in at No. 426, “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple.

Propelled by a rudimentary guitar […]