
An actual mea culpa from a tech company

Something that seems all too common with tech companies is the “not our fault syndrome.” If a problem develops, hardware support says blames it on your software. Software support blames it on your hardware. A service provider says lays blame with another service provider, your hardware and/or your software.

I encountered this situation this month […]

Are the lights on????

After a 72+ hour outage here, the blog is back — I hope.

Many thanks to the South Dakota War College and S.D. Watch for letting people know this wasn’t a voluntary shut down. (A bit more on them in another forthcoming post.) The problem was that the servers used by my web host apparently […]

Single internet ad not enough for South Dakota jurisdiction

Best way to take a break from a South Dakota Supreme Court brief that’s consuming most of your time? Perhaps a new decision by the Court that has absolutely nothing to do with your case but interests Internet denizens.

In the decision, handed down Wednesday, the Court applies case law every lawyer recalls from the […]

Credentialing bloggers

PP recently mentioned the idea of bloggers being “credentialed” as part of the press corps for the South Dakota Legislature. Having covered a couple sessions in Pierre as a reporter, I guarantee you I won’t be getting in line for any press passes for bloggers if it ever occurs. But he isn’t the only one […]

Bloggers, “buzz marketing” and the FTC

Book bloggers, including those who simply post reviews at Amazon, get blasted occasionally. Sometimes mainstream media reviewers assert that internet-only reviewers simply “enjoy shooting off their mouths” and their work amounts to “the degradation of literary taste.” Even some book bloggers themselves raise questions about whether there is an ethical obligation to disclose whether the […]