
Writing in the Internet age

I’m not a reader of the McSweeney publications but thankfully Blog of a Bookslut led me to an excellent piece posted last week by Robert Lanham. It’s a syllabus and course overview for a new English class, Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era.

The piece is absolutely marvelous. I don’t want to spoil it […]

See, I am not annoying (much)

Oxford University, evidently having a wide range of things to study, came up with a list of the ten most irritating phrases. I thought I’d check and see just how irritating I have been on this blog, so here’s how often those phrases have been used here.

10 — “It’s not rocket science.” Never used.


An author’s rules for reviewers

You can find plenty of opinions, both good and bad, on book reviewers. Likewise, there’s lots of ideas out there about what a review should or shouldn’t do. This past week SF author David Louis Edelman gave his thoughts on what authors want from reviewers. Here’s the list with some of his comments:

Opinion. “Have […]

Are they so deadly I should eschew them completely?

Prompting a bit of attention in the book blogosphere this week is a NY Times blog post on the Seven Deadly Words of Book Reviewing. At first glance, I thought it unlikely I had sinned by using the words (poignant, compelling, intriguing, eschew, craft, muse, lyrical). When I checked, though, I have committed a few […]