If you want to see the reality of what we’ve done in Iraq (and with the “War on Terror” in general), go play September 12th: A Toy World. (Via War Blogging). NOTE: Shockwave is required but site will ask if you want to install it.
It’s evident Bush and the neocons have never grasped the […]
Kerry started talking like this.
UPDATE: The troops get it.
Having recently read Maureen Dowd‘s collection, Bushworld, she has made it to the list of my favorite columnists. Sunday’s column is the most recent example of why she is moving to must-read status.
Why nothing here on the big debate Sunday? Because my thought is that if you remain undecided, you’re not paying attention anyway and if you have been paying attention the debate ain’t gonna change your mind. So, I will limit it to just a couple comments.
First and foremost, I found Thune’s comments that Daschle’s […]
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