
Book Review: Journey Back (2006)

Richard Jones is a paranoid schizophrenic and recovering drug addict who also seems to be more than a tad bit obsessed with sex. That said, he actually comes off as a relatively likeable guy in Dan Martin’s Journey Back, which seeks to explore the impact of schizophrenia and drug addiction. Yet Jones still can’t save […]

The (fully tolerable) woes of book review bloggers

A couple of my regular stops in the blogosphere that also review books had some comments this past week I could plainly identify with.

Grumpy Old Bookman led off a post of short reviews acknowledging a problem similar to one of mine: “It has finally dawned on me that if I am ever to mention […]

On ballot explanations and statements

So the South Dakota Supreme Court affirms the prior decision that only a minor change need be made in the ballot explanation for Amendment E, the J.A.I.L. amendment. Although brief, the decision is interesting in a couple respects.

First, it appears the only issue presented was whether the explanation should talk about deliberate actions. This […]