Minor difficulties with trying to update the look of the site lead in large part to relatively lengthy marginalia. I think those issues are largely resolve now, though, and hope to change the site’s appearance in the immediate future.
Maud Newton has a nice post by Marie Mockett about my favorite bookstore in the world. […]
There’s nothing substantive I can add to the frightening and horrific scenes from the I-35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis other than to share the thoughts and concern for the people affected and the Twin Cities as a whole. Undoubtedly, a significant percentage of Sioux Falls residents, myself included, have used that bridge numerous times, making […]
I’m not sure I dare try and be too cutesy or punny with this article.
Seems a 60-year-old Sioux Falls man was arrested after he was chased out of someone’s yard carrying a video camera and tripod. When police found the man at his home they also discovered a large number of video tapes of […]
I wanted to note a few additions to the blogroll over the last number of weeks and comment on one other item in it:
Directly related to the last post, there’s Three Percent, a new project at the University of Rochester “with the lofty goal of becoming a destination for readers, editors, and translators interested […]
My recent interest in foreign fiction — works originally written in a language other than English — continues to pay dividends. In the last two weeks, it produced two wonderful works, Antonia Arslan’s Skylark Farm and Christian Jungersen’s The Exception. I’ll leave it to those smarter than me to determine if there’s any significance to […]
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Contact me You can e-mail me at prairieprogressive at gmaildotcom.