
Musing Mondays: Holiday reading


How does your reading (or your blogging) fare in the holiday months? Do you read more or less? Do you have to actively make time to read?

I generally get quite a bit of reading done over the holidays. During the Thanksgiving break, I finished a book I started earlier in the week, read three others and started one more. While one of the three books I read completely during the break was relatively short, the other two came from the TBR stacks, an accomplishment in and of itself.

I don’t intentionally make more time to read but, in our household, it just tends to happen. During Thanksgiving this year, for example, the two kids who could come home (the first in family history, to my recollection, where not everyone was home) spent some of their time doing homework because their semesters are coming to an end. I take the opportunity to read. Over Christmas, we all usually get a new book or two so it is not uncommon to have a fire in the fireplace and sit in the family room and read.

Blogging follows no real pattern. There are the usual “best of the year” posts but I figure most people have better things to do during the holidays than be reading a blog so I certainly don’t feel any great obligation or desire.

Books – the best antidote against the marsh-gas of boredom and vacuity.

George Steiner

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