My “nonresolution” of trying to read what I want when I feel like it seems to be having benefits. My progress on Bibliolust for both this year and past years has improved greatly. In fact, there’s only two books from this month’s list so far I haven’t read or abandoned — and for those two […]
Maybe they’re asking the wrong people or perhaps I’m just highly abnormal. I’m thinking it’s the latter but a new reading habits survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows I’m a real outlier when it comes to reading.
The survey is billed as the first comprehensive examination of American reading habits since […]
There seemed to be a lot of doom and gloom last week in the coverage of a new survey on reading in American schools. But it seems like a number of people, including at least one individual who contributed a piece for the publication, may need to look beyond the bare numbers.
Admittedly, the […]
I knew when I wrote last month’s Bibliolust that I was tempting fate. My thought that “I may be setting myself up for a bit of failure this month” became a self-fulfilling prophecy. The two books I thought might make the “Did Not Finish” list did, in fact, make the list. This early in the […]
I have far, far, far too many books on my TBR shelves. When I last looked, I had about 100 books on my Nook Color (although a number of them are public domain editions of classics that I intend to read “some day”). So what did I do today? I bit on an offer to […]
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