
They have no decency

Bush and crew continue to pervert 9-11 and use it as a springboard to decimate civil liberties in this country. The day before Bush seeks Patriot Act II. Look what he and Ashcroft have done for us already. (Via TalkLeft.) And if this airline color coding doesn’t have Big Brother written all over it. (Via […]

Totally oblivious

Just the few minutes I heard of Rumsfeld’s speech at the National Press Club today says a lot about this guy. After protestors yelling the Bush foreign policy is built on lies were removed, his response was basically we invaded Iraq so the Iraqi people could enjoy free press and rights like the protestors. Gee, […]

Opus is comin’ back

Opus, the original king of cartoon penguins, is coming back. Of course, since it’s still running Mary Worth and Gasoline Alley, I imagine the chances of the Argus actually running the new strip are slim to none. And although I can’t wait to see Opus again, I certainly won’t be deserting Sparky, the penguin who […]

The road from 9-11

With the anniversary of 9-11 tomorrow, we have been and will continue to be deluged with efforts to justify what we have done since then by invoking images and memories of that horrible day. Unfortunately, as a forthcoming book points out, the road from there to here is one paved with lies. Of all the […]

Dubya and crew did it

They woke me up. Not since Nixon (and, yes, I do remember Reagan) has there been an administration that caused me so much anger and fear for what it is doing to us. Living in the Northern Great Plains, however, I am surrounded by those who believe patriotism is spelled Republican and means following blindly. […]