For the second time this week, the StarTribune runs a no holds barred editorial on the Bush Administration. (Free registration may be required). The conclusion:
Defenders of the administration want to label those who have doubts about the truthfulness of the White House as “liberals” or “anti-American” or “unpatriotic.” Those labels are just so much […]
Many of us are incensed by the Bush Administration’s lies. (See below and almost any other liberal blog). Still, as sad as it is to admit, we’ve known since at least the 1960s that lying is part and parcel of American politics. While Bush and crew clearly rank up near the top in the audacity […]
Ashcroft now claims that the section of the Patriot Act allowing the FBI to obtain a list of books you bought at a bookstore or checked out from a library has never been invoked. Bloggers like The Liquid List figured out this is false. It’s not hard. The claim is disproved by a June 2002 […]
This Modern World points out that although Bush admitted today the government has “no evidence” linking Iraq to 9-11, that isn’t what he told Congress in March when, as required by law, he advised it we were invading Iraq. He told Congress then that the invasion was to “take the necessary actions against international terrorists […]
The administration’s efforts to bring to fruition the neocons’ Plan for a New America Century was selected the top censored story for 2002-2003 by Project Censored. (Via Alternet). From what I’ve read of PNAC, it’s is the script the Bushies are following.
The list further undercuts the myth of a biased liberal media. The top […]
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