
Worth the time (Part 1)

Herewith the first of sporadic posts of recent finds and links. No claim here to being the first (or even real timely) with the info, simply that this is a site or article worth at least checking into

Paul Krugman puts the Iraqi prisoner scandal in perspective. It stems from the mantra, “Just Trust Us”. […]

Electability and the “greater good” vs. principle

I received a variety of comments after saying I could no longer support Stephanie Herseth. They all boil down to a couple key points. Essentially, the argument is she is better than the alternative and is at least is a Democratic voice in the House instead of a Bush “rubber stamp.” Another angle is that […]

Crossing Stephanie Herseth off my list

The Argus Leader editorial board met Wednesday with Stephanie Herseth and Larry Diedrich. The article on that meeting leads me to conclude I can no longer support Stephanie.

The “jump” headline from the article reads, “Candidates: Agree on War, PATRIOT Act.” The article itself says

• Knowing what we know now, would you support the […]

Whisper, innuendo and slime

On the “gay marriage” front, a couple months ago I mentioned the possibility of Stephanie Herseth facing a “she’s a lesbian, you know” whispering campaign. Well, it has started. I don’t claim or have any reason to believe the Diedrich campaign is behind this. The fact is, though, there’s plenty of sotto voce talk about […]

Two note samba

Watching a few minutes of First Monday on KELO Monday evening reminded me why I don’t watch it and other political-oriented shows. I just get too irritated.

Setting me off was Rob Regier of the South Dakota Family Policy Council. He has one goal and one goal only — to associate Stephanie Herseth and Tom […]