
Worth the time

Is Al Qaeda Just a Bush Boogeyman? (Via From a reader e-mail, here’s an interesting concept I plan on studying a bit closer: What would it mean for both the state and our individual pocketbooks if we replace all current South Dakota taxes with a state income tax? The Guardian takes a look […]

Go northward, middle-aged man?

Last night, I was listening to To The Best of Our Knowledge, about the only radio program I make an effort to catch every week. (Airs at 10 p.m. every Sunday on the MPR news stations.)

In a program called Blame Canada?, they interviewed an individual named Michael Adams. Adams wrote a book exploring the […]


A public service announcement offered solely for informational purposes without comment pro or con:

Grassroot Democrats is sponsoring “A Blue Party in a Red State” the night of the inaugural. It will be held from 7-10:30 p.m. January 20 at the Downtown Holiday Inn in Sioux Falls. There is a $10.00 cover charge per person. […]

Donation wars update

The WaPo reports U.S. charities have raised more than $337 million so far for the Indian Ocean tsunami but notes that is far less than the $2 billion raised for the families of the roughly 3,000 people killed in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. At the same time, in an op-ed piece for the […]

A goal for SD’s paid bloggers?

Here’s the NY Times version of a story making the rounds nationally:

Armstrong Williams, a prominent conservative commentator . . . acknowledged yesterday that he was paid $240,000 by the Department of Education to promote its initiatives on his syndicated television program and to other African-Americans in the news media.


The disclosure about the […]