
Donation wars?

As part of their reaction to the “stingy” comments, the Bushies now promote helping victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami as a way to win Muslim hearts and minds. Will this now embark us on a Muslim/non-Muslim donation war? The following comes from Juan Cole’s Informed Comment:

Saudi Arabia Television held a fundraising drive for […]

Events/rec center follow-up

Today’s Argus articles indicate I’m not alone in thinking the cost and location of the proposed events center are a deadly combination. Proponents will have an interesting choice deciding whether to bundle it with the rec center if and when a public vote occurs.

As an aside, I’m curious how Pepsi and US Bank manage […]

Worth the time

Maureen Dowd sums the Bushies up nicely: “You know how bad the situation is when the president’s choice for attorney general has to formally pledge not to support torture anymore.” She also mentions something I missed over the holidays. Why is it that Clarence Thomas is accepting $42,000 in gifts, including batteries and tires? […]

$120 million = Events center doom

I think the fact costs for an events center and rec center in Sioux Falls are estimated at $120 million will help spell the ultimate death of this dream.

I am a big supporter of both concepts. Still, when you combine the costs ($79 million for the events center and $32 million for a rec […]

The truth shall set you free

As the religious right’s influence in the new Congress and Bushworld bring us closer to a theocracy, I offer the Top Ten Signs You’re A Christian:

10 – You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of your god.

9 – You […]