
Accelerando to use Creative Commons license

Reportedly, the latest novel from Charles Stross is not only more of his somewhat unique approach to SF, it uses a different copyright approach. Accelerando is comprised of a short story sequence dealing with a couple generations of a family that gives away ideas for a living. In addition to normal book sales, Stross also […]

The “most harmful” books

Human Events magazine (which bills itself as “The National Conservative Weekly”) asked 15 “conservative scholars and public policy leaders” to list The Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Century. Not suprisingly, Marx, Hitler and Mao took the top three positions. But also making appearances were The Kinsey Report< (“designed to give a [...]

Well, at least it ain’t Barney

Not sure what to think about this. Chicago’s Field Museum is joining forces with a children’s music publisher to release a CD described as a “musical birthday party in celebration of Sue the T. Rex’s 5th anniversary” at the museum. For those who don’t know, the bones were discovered here in South Dakota in 1990 […]