Although certainly the exception and not the rule, science fiction is sometimes viewed as little more than the American western set in space. It tends to stem from placing characters with an independent streak as pioneers or settlers in new frontiers. If you imagine this trope placed in the hands of a British professor of […]
I meant to get this done earlier but catching up from my trip and other sundry items interfered. Anyway:
There’s a bit of a dustup here and there over a Readercon panel on reviewing in the blogosphere. I attended that panel and, like some commenters to one of the linked posts, felt blog reviews (as […]
In my last post, I noted how friendly and courteous the authors, editors and critics were at Readercon. Sunday, I was the beneficiary of an act that left no doubt in my mind that SF professionals are a joy to be among.
I planned to take two books with me to be signed, James and […]
Without going into my prior rant about charges for internet access at relatively pricey hotels, this is the first time I’ve had an opportunity to post anything on Readercon. It would be far too difficult (and likely boring to the reader) to go into detail about the various panels and discussions I’ve attended. Instead, I’m […]
Saturday’s laptop adventure delayed posting some of this material because, of course, the file that I saved the links in was on the desktop of that computer in a part of the screen I could not see and it would have opened in another part of that area. It is also delayed due to the […]
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