
Travel marginalia

Travel to and attendance at the AILA annual conference leads to consecutive marginalia postings rather than anything more substantive:

Why is it that the TSA personnel at the Sioux Falls airport consistently include some of the most unpleasant people I’ve encountered in any air travel? Also on a travel note, USA Today has a rather […]

Abbreviated weekend marginalia

Distracted by a tough week that comes on top of a hectic four weeks, a short compilation of some notes from the week:

Just what I needed to hear 24 hours after two of my kids arrived in Spain for a two-week tour. 15 Things Kurt Vonnegut Said Better Than Anyone Else Ever Has Or […]

Saying goodbye to a family member

I lost my best friend within the last hour. We ended our chocolate lab’s battle with cancer this morning. Sadly, Maggie fell right within the window of anticipated life expectancy from the date of diagnosis of lymphosarcoma.

Without reiterating the details, we started chemotherapy last week but evidently it was too late. Although she acted […]

Preparing for my first con

A month for now I will be attending my first science fiction convention. As a result, I’m getting prepared. No, it’s not getting some goofy costume or whatever ready. I’m doing what attracted me to the convention — reading.

ReaderCon 18 is the first weekend in July. It is a convention that focuses on the […]

Weekend marginalia

Catch-up items from what was a very hectic last seven days:

Probably a good thing they were Buddhists. Crawdaddy, one of the music magazines I grew up with, is now an on-line publication after a several decade absence. (Via.) I might have appreciated this article on SF writers without the references to them being “deviant” […]