Tonight I had tickets to the Stampede game and to the Jolie Holland concert. Since the Stampede played the same team Thursday night, I figured that was a fairly resolvable problem. Then I found out yesterday I would attend neither. Why? Tonight was the night selected to unveil the 2006 championship banner for my daughter’s […]
I’ll admit I’m not the best at spotting trends and certainly am not, in the words of Frank Zappa, a trend monger. But it strikes me the apocalypse is in and hot, at least what based on what my RSS reader showed me today.
First, I saw that BuzzFeed updated its December compilation of posts […]
I’m not quite sure the source of the trend, but I have started and then put down more books in the two weeks of this year than I did all of last year. And to top it off, of the two books I have read, one of them took me far longer than it normally […]
Prudence would dictate staying out of this but it’s kind of like when the big kid is beating up the little kid. Even though you know you’ll probably get thrashed too, something compels you to open your mouth or intervene. Okay, so this is really blogger v. blogger but one is your typical personal blog […]
Just when you wonder whether anybody really gives a rip about any of the stuff you blog about, you get at least some reinforcement.
First, although it seemed to gather no notice in the South Dakota blogosphere, my post on credentialing bloggers did attract the attention of CBS News. As you’ll see in a comment […]
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