I wanted to mention a couple of neat space-related links I stumbled across over the last couple days.
One site features the sounds of space while another part of the site has recordings from various space missions. (Via Amy on the Web.). I’ve heard a CD of space sounds before but am not sure if […]
Some items that caught my attention as I continue to procrastinate on at least two book reviews I’ve been planning to write for probably two weeks now:
Oh no. Dog obesity is on the rise. (I particularly love the headline for the second item.) Richard Powers, whose book The Echo Maker won the 2006 National […]
Evidently I’m not alone in lambasting the Argus for something it printed on the front of its local “news” section more than a week ago. Former U.S. Sen. Jim Abourezk has an op-ed column today pointing out what he perceives as additional inaccuracies in the newspaper’s blog entry on why the Iraq War was justified. […]
I’m a tad behind on this but the South Dakota Center for the Book has again received a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts for The Big Read. The program seeks to encourage communities to read and discuss one book. This year’s selected book for South Dakota is Willa Cather’s My Antonia.
Last […]
While I don’t generally follow the blogs of conservatives, there are exceptions. The latest is the addition of Jon Swift’s blog to the blogroll.
Although I’d come across it before, the addition stems largely because Jon e-mailed and reminded me I had not mentioned a recent news item. Specifically, libraries in Fairfax County, Virginia, are […]
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