Bulletin Board
It’s Jazz Appreciation Month. Go forth and celebrate.
Bookish Linkage
Toni Morrison’s A Mercy won the annual Tournament of Books, besting City of Refuge in the finals.
The six finalists for the Independent Foreign Fiction prize have been announced. The books, none of which I’ve had a chance to read, are from Columbia, China, Albania, France and Israel.
The Prez wins biography of the year honors in the British Book Awards.
The shortlists for The Orwell Prize have been announced, which includes not only books but blogs.
Nonbookish Linkage
In conjunction with Jazz Appreciation month, the staff at the Sioux Falls Jazz & Blues Society pick their top five jazz albums. Interestingly, Time Out is the only LP to make more than one list.
The WSJ, of all publications, gets it: Why You Should Have Watched Hockey. I did — including 8 straight hours last Saturday.
Music is what you notice when it’s no longer in your presence.