
October Bibliolust

Some actual progress on the lust front, with nine books read in September. It’s always good when the number of books read in a month exceed the number lusted after books for that same month.

I’m thinking this may be another good month. Even though the fall publishing season is here, so far I haven’t seen a ton of stuff that begs to be read. As a result, the list this month is unusually short.

Life, Keith Richards — Although coming out at the end of the month, how could this book not be on my lust list?

Room, Emma Donoghue — A couple of rave reviews (which isn’t always a good sign) for this novel brings it to the list. I’m not the only one listing it, though. I’m number 33 on the reserve list at the library.

Sleepwalk with Me: and Other Painfully True Stories, Mike Birbiglia — I’d never heard of Birbiglia until I heard him on an episode of This American Life talking about life in junior high. It was funny enough his book ended up making my list, which is rare for a comedian to do.

Report Card:

Year-to-date (January-September)

Total Bibliolust books: 52

Number read: 35 (67%)

Started but did not finish: 4 (7.7%)

Cumulative (September 2008-September 2010)

Total Bibliolust books: 138

Number read: 95 (69%)

Started but did not finish: 8 (5.8%)

Old and fat, I waddle, gasping, up the beckoning path of lust.

Mason Cooley, City Aphorisms, Second Selection

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