
November Bibliolust

Given my recent bookstore swing in Eastern Massachusetts, I actually think the lust list for this month is fairly reasonable. After all, it’s difficult to wander through so many bookstores without generating an immense amount of booklust. Making it even better, three of the four books are available from the library.

Man in the Woods, Scott Spencer — This novel drew my attention because its subject centers on how a person who does wrong in the pursuit of good deals with the conflict psychologically. Although not overwhelmingly received, the fact it was available through the library helped put it on the list.

On the Rez, Ian Frazier — For some reason I had not heard of this now 10-year-old book about life on the Pine Ridge Reservation. I came across it in a review of another Frazier book on this list and now have it on my reserve list at the library.

Travels in Siberia, Ian Frazier — The Russo-phile in me was immediately attracted to this book as it was displayed on a new release table. Although it has received mixed reviews, I note I am fairly far down the list of those who’ve placed in on reserve at the library.

The Woman in the Dunes, Kobo Abe — A very favorable review on a world lit book blog brought this novel to the list. I also feel I’ve been a little lax in my world lit reading this year,

Report Card:

Year-to-date (January-October)

Total Bibliolust books: 55

Number read: 38 (69%)

Started but did not finish: 4 (7.3%)

Cumulative (September 2008-October 2010)

Total Bibliolust books: 141

Number read: 99 (70%)

Started but did not finish: 8 (5.2%)

My regimen is lust and avarice for exercise, gluttony and sloth for relaxation.

Mason Cooley, City Aphorisms, Twelfth Selection

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