The debate over whether Banned Books week is propaganda or not continues. Before it started full bore, though, USA Today outlined the battle lines. Distilled to the simplest terms, the core question seems to be whether restricting access to/removing a book a parent believes is age inappropriate is “banning” a book or censorship, something I’ll […]
Although it was recently called an exercise in propaganda, Banned Books Week is here again, being “celebrated” today to October 1. At the risk of being called a propagandist, I’m going to try to again have daily posts on the topic for the week. (Although I can’t say I’m a fan of this year’s poster. […]
Bulletin Board
A relatively early edition this weekend because I am today enjoying several games and three of the greatest words in the world: “Let’s play hockey!”
Worthwhile Reading in the Interweb Tubes
My God, It’s Full of Stars (“…we have the technology and capability to feed, clothe, house and provide for every human being […]
For future reference, there is no First Amendment right to attend illegal cockfights.
A hunter in Alaska is suing the National Park Service for threatening to prosecute him if he keeps hunting moose from his hovercraft in a federal preserve.
Meanwhile, in nearby British Columbia a man who was abandoned as a teenager is being […]
I don’t usually post just pictures, particularly when they’re from so-called social media. But Random House, Inc., said so much with this picture and short slogan posted on its Facebook page that I needed to pass it along.
If television does that to inanimate objects, just think of its effect on brain cells.
[T]he […]
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