Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubes
- The Body Electric (“Michael Utley does not remember much about his death.”)
- Why I Decided War Reporting Was No Longer Worth the Risk (“Why risk it all to get the facts for people who increasingly seem only to seek out the information they want and brand the stories and facts that don’t conform to their opinions as biased or inaccurate?”)
Blog Headline of the Week
Food News of the Week
- Woman spends month in jail when police mistake SpaghettiOs residue on a spoon in her car for meth
Bookish Linkage
- Should those who celebrate Banned Books Week also support the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision?
- Some writers are trying to make SF “more Horatio Alger and less Pollyanna“
- Suburban noir: a genre made popular by “the self-conscious narcissism of the Facebook generation”
- Bookish Lists: 25 favorite assigned reading books; an Alzheimer’s reading list; finalists for the first Kirkus Prize awards
Nonbookish Linkage
- Life in North Dakota’s Bakken Oil Fields
- Study suggests link between depression and terrorism
- The health effects of leaving religion
- A look at WWI propaganda posters
I figured out what’s wrong with life: it’s other people.
Dilbert, Feb. 8, 2001