
Weekend Edition: Xmas 2021

Nothing Christmas-related. For that, see my traditional heathen’s greetings.

Nonbookish Linkage

The whoppers of 2021 Related, our country has millions of friggin’ idiots The rise and fall of rationality in language

Bookish Linkage

Do modern students feel burdened by actual books? The ultimate best books of 2021 list The most scathing book reviews of 2021 […]

Weekend Edition: 12-18

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

Level The Playing Field For Religion and Civil Rights (“[T]he struggle for equality in America has been long, uphill, and brutal. And among its biggest obstacles have been those who have claimed to be acting in the name of God.”) Gorsuch’s Crusade Against Vaccine Mandates Could Topple a Pillar […]

Weekend Edition: 12-11

Interesting Reading in the Interweb Tubez

The Supreme Court Is Poised to Turbocharge “Religious Liberty” Litigation (“The justices appointed by Republican presidents suggested that neutrality toward religion actually constitutes hostility toward religion.”)

Nonbookish Linkage

What a gun is for The year’s worst moments in American law An annotated Declaration of Independence Taxes blamed for San […]

Weekend Edition: 12-4

Nonbookish Linkage

COVID lockdown and a “high-functioning” depressive Does democracy exist? A truly moronic conspiracy theory USD poli sci prof rightfully proud to be “famous & dangerous” The cabarets of Heaven and Hell When the British couldn’t watch TV at 6 pm

Bookish Linkage

Why does Dune remain so popular? Calling something Bible fan fiction […]

Weekend Edition: 11-27

Blog Post of the Week Year

Sometimes removing guns from the home makes good sense (Few have the insight of my longtime friend Kevin)

Nonbookish Linkage

Can you believe it’s stressful to talk politics with people who disagree? Steam-based utopian visions A brief history of the codpiece The most dangerous place on Earth — 100 […]