

Since I’ve moved this blog away from politics toward books, music and other things that give nuance to life, I’ve decided to broaden it in other ways. I have joined the crew at Blogcritics. As the site says, it is comprised of “[a] sinister cabal of superior bloggers on music, books, film, popular culture, technology, […]

Bloggus interruptus

Family matters have kept me from blogging for a few days and will for several more.

Blogging notes

With a great deal going on in real life, I have not been keeping up with the conservative/rightwing bloggers recently. It was a mistake checking in on some of them today. I am dismayed by the persistent and intense hate, fear-mongering and intolerance. This dismay coincides with a couple interesting pieces on blogging.

First, this […]

Argus article

Yes, the Argus Leader article on South Dakota political blogs ran this morning and, yes, I was in it. Quite frankly, much ado (largely beforehand) about little. Political blogs are hot items now and recently but I still think they may have jumped the shark and collapse of their own weight after the election. If […]

Jumping the shark?

This was originally going to be a somewhat theoretical post about blogs but a comment on Liberal Oasis and a discussion about an upcoming news article led to a variation — have political blogs jumped the shark?

For those unfamiliar with the term, jumping the shark occurs at the point where a television show/event/personality began an […]