
Book Review: America! What Have You Done to the Auld Game?

I started playing golf as a youngster more than 35 years ago. In the early 1990s, though, I walked off the public course I normally played and didn’t pick up a club for about five years. Why? Neither my temperament nor my personal life could handle taking 4 1/2 to 5 hours or more to […]

Book Review: Running with Scissors (2002)

It’s simply by coincidence that I picked up Running with Scissors on a stroll through the library just days before the uproar over James Frey’s memoir began. A number of people who knew I liked Frey’s work had suggested this one. I’ll still take Frey’s, even if it’s more fictional than represented. (I do feel […]

Strange Horizons

My review of Galileo’s Children: Tales of Science vs. Superstition appeared today at Strange Horizons.

I cannot live without books.

Thomas Jefferson, The Adams-Jefferson Letters

Book Briefs 2

As a wrap-up to 2005 and a kick-off to 2006, here’s the second of an intermittent series of book reviews in brief:

Looking for Jake, China MiĆ©ville (2005) — China MiĆ©ville is the recent king of what can only best be described as weird fiction, combining elements of horror, fantasy and science fiction in his […]

Book Review: The Number (2006)

Releasing Tuesday, Lee Eisenberg’s The Number, combines two relatively hot topics — baby boomers and blogs — in different ways.

Eisenberg’s target audience is the baby boomers who, as Newsweek and innumerable other media outlets have told us, are hitting their 60s. Eisenberg realizes that boomers are starting to think about retirement and The Number […]