
Book Review: My Friend Leonard (2005)

It takes a bit to get used to James Frey’s memoirs, both typographically and stylistically. None of the paragraphs are indented and quotation marks are not used to delineate speech or conversation. Stylistically, Frey would probably flunk most basic composition classes. Many of his sentences are basically run-on streams of consciousness. But they all add […]

Book Review: Perfect Soldiers (2005)

Some journalism doesn’t fit the inherent constraints of newspapers or magazines. The scope of the subject is too wide and the work takes more than what these formats tend to demand in immediacy. Perfect Soldiers is an example of this.

The book is LA Times national correspondent Terry McDermott’s look at the 9/11 hijackers. Subtitled, […]

Book Review: God vs. the Gavel (2005)

Strictly by coincidence, the conflict between the state Department of Revenue and various churches over the state’s use tax hit the news as I was reading God vs. the Gavel: Religion and the Rule of Law. Written by Marci Hamilton, a professor at the Benjamin Cardozo School of Law, the book focuses on a somewhat […]

Book Review: Five Stars! (2005)

As some know, I was on the board of the Sioux Falls Film Society back when it actually sponsored an honest-to-god film series. I always felt somewhat insecure about my knowledge of film and wanted to find a good introduction to and groundwork for the subject. I think I found it in Christopher Null’s Five […]

Book Review: Terry Jones’s War on the War on Terror (2005)

There probably isn’t a middle ground on Terry Jones’s views of the “war on terror.” You either agree with him or you don’t. Yet even if you do, Terry Jones’s War on the War on Terror comes off more as toss off than lasting political commentary.

Jones, whose biggest but not sole claim to fame […]