I’m behind on writing reviews and have not been implementing ideas for other posts. I have several review books lined up ahead of even more books I’ve been wanting to read for a while. Still, I find a touch of consolation in the fact the same thing is happening in London.
I actually have a […]
This month’s lust list reflects that we’re into the fall/winter release cycle. In fact, there are actually two other books that would have made the list except I got them through the library between last month’s list and this one. Granted, two of the books below don’t actually come out until next month but that […]
As another Banned Books Week comes to an end, I thought I would make mention of a few other items that appeared in the blog world about it this week, along with a news item.
Two blogs took rather unique approaches to Banned Books Week. NYRB Classics blog highlighted some of its authors who struggled […]
It’s too easy to think of book challenges in the abstract. The fact is it is something we confront even here.
If you take a look at a map showing documented challenges to books in schools and libraries in the United States, you’ll see South Dakota has two push pins.
In 2010, “Paul Shaffer’s We’ll […]
As I’ve noted this week, one of the debates that’s going on is whether “banned” is a misleading word when it comes to what Banned Books Week is about. Cut to the bone, the question is basically whether restricting access to/removing a book a parent believes is age inappropriate is “banning” a book or censorship.
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