
My life as a book title – 2010

I did this meme on my birthday last year and since it’s been revamped for 2010, I thought I might do it this day each year it’s around. Basically, you just complete the sentence with a title of a book you’ve read during the current year. Here’s this year’s story/summary of my life (although I’m […]

Discover new book blogs

Today kicks off Book Blogger Appreciation Week but this is likely the only post I’ll do on it. And it is devoted to a few excellent blogs I discovered while narrowing down the longlist in two categories and judging the shortlist in another. There won’t be much more than that because I confirmed I’m too […]

What a wonderful statistic

When I first saw something about Bowker releasing a new research report “on who buys books and why,” I was thinking about a post on how I fit — or didn’t fit — the mold. But then a particular statistic grabbed me:

32% of the books purchased in 2009 were from households earning less than […]

Percolating and hunkering

It is true. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.

Due to publication dates and other somewhat time sensitive matters, I have three book reviews that are simmering and percolating. Bits and pieces have been written but the summer doldrums combined with the lack of a pressing deadline to push them to […]

September Bibliolust

I actually made pretty good progress on my lust lists the last month. Of the 13 books the last two months, I’ve read eight, am on the library reserve list for two, have one on the TBR shelves at home and gave up on one. Hopefully, I can do as well with this month’s additions:
