
Midyear Reading Challenge report

As a follow up to this week’s Musing Mondays, I figured this would be a good time to check on how I’m doing on the reading challenges I adopted for the year. So far, more than so good. I’m actually one book shy of completing all three. Here’s the tally so far:

Notable Books Challenge […]

July Bibliolust

I was actually hoping to get into the TBR piles this weekend — if I can resist the omnipresent bibliolust (such much for my observations on want vs. need). Anyway, it may depend on how quickly a couple books I have on hold show up at the local library. Here’s what’s currently on my radar:


From 50 books for today to 100 books of all time

Newsweek, to which I haven’t subscribed for more than a year, must feel its books coverage is lacking. First there was the Fifty Books for Our Time. Now it’s got a “meta-list” of The Top 100 Books. It’s a meta-list because it is compiled from 10 separate lists of best books, including not only its […]

I have a ways to go on the Fifty Books for Our Times

Newsweek is out with a variation of the “books you should read” list. Rather than simply a best of list, the magazine says its Fifty Books for Our Times “open a window on the times we live in.” I’m still struggling with how a couple of the choices, particularly the first, made the list — […]

June Bibliolust

Although last month I was sort of whining about the number of books I had to review in the coming weeks, I got all six read and the reviews posted. There’s two additional ones that were offered after the first of the month that I got read but just haven’t gotten around to writing the […]